S-OIL holds New Y... 01.22
● S-OIL CEO Anwar al-Hejazi volunteered to serve tteokguk to...
Date: 10:00 AM (KST), 24 Jan., 2025 Notice: You can listen to the conference call through a live webcast at the Compan...
S-OIL is committed to realizing a brighter tomorrow for all our stakeholders.
S-OIL is expanding the foundation for sustainable growth through RUC/ODC.
S-OIL will put all efforts into being responsible as a corporate citizen by living up to the expectations and requirements of various shareholders.
Find all news of S-OIL, social contribution activities, promotion data, and investment information.
Won “Downstream Operations of the Year” at Platts Global Energy Awards
Completed clean gasoline-producing alkylation plant
Completed Onsan Refinery’s No.3 jetty
Received $10 billion Export Tower Award
Won advertisement prize at Consumer Choice Advertisement Awards for two consecutive years
Ranked first in the service station service category in customer satisfaction survey
Established S-OIL TOTAL Lubricants Co., Ltd (50:50)
Signed agreement with Cultural Heritage Administration for protection of natural treasures
Appointed Ahmed A. Subaey as CEO
Selected as most reliable company of year
Adopted new C.I
Ranked on Fortune Global 500
Launched social welfare foundation in Ulsan
Completed new pilot plant in R&D Center
Sold 28.4% stake to Hanjin Energy
Launched S-OIL Public Service Corps
Launched CSR activities in earnest, starting with the signing of agreement for S-OIL Hero Firefighters Support Program
Unveiled high-octane gasoline product “S-Gasoline Premium”
Conducted ad campaign using “S-OIL Song” for first time in the industry
Appointed Samir A. Tubayyeb as CEO
Held first “S-OIL Champion Service Station Awards” ceremony
Launched 100% synthetic engine oil “SSU(秀)”
Achieved largest market share for Group Ⅲ lube base oil in North America
Conducted ad campaign “Cars Love S-OIL”
Acquired ISO9001 (Quality Management System) Certificate
Appointed A.K.AL-Arnaout as CEO
Established system for mass-producing premium lube base oil (GroupⅢ lube base oil 17,500 B/D)
Completed “No.2 heavy oil desulfurization facility” (57,000 B/D)
Convened rally to establish a new, cooperative labor-management culture, and agreed with labor about “no dispute”
Marked 1,000th arrival of an oil tanker
Exported ultra light sulfur diesel products for first time among refiners
Completed oil reserve base in Shinwon complex(Storage capacity of 9 mil. barrels)
Changed company name from Ssangyong Oil Refining Co., Ltd. to S-OIL