
Number of new employees (persons) 293 persons, 2014 : 125 persons, 2015 : 149 persons, 2016 : 293 persons
Key Sustainability Management Performance Society : Classification, 2014, 2015, 2016 Table.
Classification   2014 2015 2016
Number of employees Total 2,835 2,902 3,128
Executives 39 37 40
Regular employees 2,652 2,758 2,818
Non-regular employees 144 107 270
Number of new employees 125 149 293
Number of retirees 82 82 67
Percentage of outside
directors in the BOD (%)
54.5 54.5 54.5
Percentage of female employees (%) 7.8 8.0 7.5
Percentage of disabled employees (%) 1.7 1.6 1.5
Annual average training hours per
administrative employee (hours)
42 45 55
Training cost-to-labor cost (%) 0.9 1.1 0.95
Welfare benefit-to-labor cost (%) 26.3 61.6 62.3
Number of labor disputes 0 0 0
Social contribution cost1)
(KRW in millions)
9,669 6,277 6,652
Employee volunteer service hours 28,195 22,947 24,154
Amount of local purchasing
(KRW in millions)
93,080 203,402 172,746
Amount of green purchasing
(KRW in millions)
5,732 12,890 16,158

1) Donations in the business report do not include the table tennis team and the GOODOIL café
